Get to Know Gwenifer

Gwenifer Cooper is a Nashville native with a long history of service for her community. She has been an active volunteer with many local nonprofit organizations and community clubs throughout the years and is currently a facilitator of the Nashville Trans Support Group. Her most recent work endeavors include serving on the board of directors as Secretary for a small startup nonprofit, before she later became its Administrative Director, helping to guide the organization on best practices and define their mission, goals, and programs.

Gwenifer is an aspiring writer and avid reader, with a personal goal to publish a fantasy novel by 2025. She has been a musician most of her life, playing the french horn from a young age through college, and playing bass in many music projects of varying genres over the past 25 years.

With a strong passion for supporting direct service work that benefits marginalized populations, Gwenifer is very excited to be joining the CASA Nashville team.

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